First and only Dentofacial / Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Hospital in Eastern India

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Dentofacial Plastic Surgery

Dentofacial Plastic Surgery:

The face is how the world identifies and remembers you by. We understand there is more to a face than appearance that meets the eye. The facial appearance has a psychological and social impact. Therefore, we understand that surgery to the face or to the underlying structures is more of sculpting a face. This is more of an art than making precise, calculated operation – hence, undertaking of a greater responsibility. This fine treatment can only happen with sound diagnosis wherein the Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon’s experience remains the key. Dr.Srijon Mukherji, being a prolific artist, and a surgeon with a trained eye, has the advantage of confluence of art and science to infer upon an accurate, customised diagnosis and deliver the best treatment option.

People come to us with complex facial trauma, or with a focused need. The same level of broad understanding should apply to both. Having a multi-disciplinary team directed towards a holistic approach towards dentofacial complex is available at our clinic. Facial surgery requires expertise and sound facilities, which are readily available in our surgery unit. In all cases, you will be cared for by staff who understand this is personal treatment.

Our patients still have the advantage of coordinated treatment, from their consultant. They can treat, or rebuild craniofacial hard and soft tissues, the oral mucosa, correct skeletal irregularities, carry out skin grafts.

Along with facial damage, or deformity, jaw correction, such as orthognathic surgery can be at the heart of treatment. Treatment objectives should include eradicating disease, creating a sound underlying structure and above all, restoring your quality of life.

We are privileged to work in a sector of medicine which can offer life changing benefit. Patients should have the best, individual support.

Orthognathic Surgery:

Discrepancy of jaw bones show up as facial deformities like asymmetry, too much teeth show, too far forward jaw, too little chin, underdeveloped lower jaw- the solution is in Orthognathic surgery. We make planned bone cuts inside the mouth and fracture the jaws in a controlled way. All-important neighbouring structures are seen and protected. There are no cuts placed on face. Now the free bones are moved and repositioned in a pre-determined calculated position and fixed with micro plates and screws. Done under general anaesthesia, Orthognathic Surgery is usually a 3day package. Back to normal life in 2 weeks.

Nose improvement Surgery or Rhinoplasty:

The nose can be altered to almost any desired form. There are surgical and non-surgical options. Non-surgical options are more cosmetic and done on day-to-day OPD basis. The surgical options are available and placed at reasonable costs. These are 2-3day packages. Surgery usually performed under general anaesthesia. Most Rhinoplasties are performed entirely through the nostrils and there is no visible scar. Even in open cases, the scar is hidden. We use rib cartilage as graft material as bone grafts often resorb and foreign body grafts are often refused by the body tissues and are quite expensive.

Chin improvement Surgery or Genioplasty:

The chin is another important cosmetic feature of face. Too short or too prominent chin is often not liked. It can be very easily corrected both surgically and non-surgically. Non-surgical options are performed on OPD basis where as massive chin corrections that require surgery may need in-hospital stay.

Lip improvement Surgery or Cheiloplasty:

Lip modification surgeries include lip plumping, augmentations, cosmetic corrections, reconstruction of lip after huge tumour surgeries, as well as correction of lip in cleft lip cleft palate cases as well as a component of corrective surgeries in certain syndromes. They are surgical and non-surgical performed in a routine basis. These surgeries are customised to your requirements.

Cheek improvement Surgery or Maloplasty:

Beauty bone prominence surgeries and reshaping and remodelling the beauty bone as required are also offered at CIMS

Why should you choose CIMS for your Dentofacial Plastic Surgery?

CIMS has been routinely practicing the art of beautification for the past 15 years on regular basis. The reshaping of face can be performed by changing both bone and soft tissues. Dr. Srijon Mukherji has been regularly operating these procedures for past 20 years. Being an elaborate painter himself, he mixes the art of surgery with its science to deliver the best and customized treatment for you.

These surgeries are perceived to be high end ones unaffordable for many. CIMS provides these at affordable costs.
Due to small number of beds, full nursing support and the team of fully qualified 4 to 5 maxillofacial surgeons are present for your round the clock care. This support is difficult to delivered by any other multi-speciality set-ups.
The environment is more akin to home rather than a typical hospital and staffs are friendly as well as diligent so that patient feels much at ease.

Managing Dentofacial Trauma and Sports Injuries

A day-to-day service we provide is fixing ‘lost faces’ due to nasty road traffic accidents, falls from height and industrial accidents. Face is an extremely special area structurally, functionally and cosmetically. Without a very specialised management, residual deformities are almost inevitable. A second surgery to revise such problems is rarely as successful as a fine job done in the first instance. Facial soft tissue contusion, surgical emphysema due to a maxillary antrum fracture, nose fractures, fractures to the all the skull bones of dentofacial complex, teeth and tooth holding bone fractures, gun-shot injuries are all treated here.

We don’t heal broken bones. The body does it itself for us. Our job is to bring them to correct alignment and hold them there with micro plates and screws. But how to get to the site of the fractures?  Unlike the Orthopaedicians, we cannot afford to cut right on top of the fracture site and get in to fix it. That would leave the face with a nasty scar (check out operated limb fractures). We have to carefully choose an entry point that would be well hidden. Its our job to return the lost face back to you without leaving an ugly scar on the face as we understand the importance of face and its psychological and social impact.

Treatment for Sleep Apnoea

Excessive loud snoring or unable to sleep at night due to shortness of breath can be treated without C-Pap machine. Sleep apnoea mostly occurs as the lower jaw or the tongue falls behind closing or narrowing the wind passage channel. We treat them either surgically or non-surgically.

Non surgically, a researched product indigenous to this Institute, is delivered to our patients which keeps the lower jaw ahead restricting the narrowing of the wind passage leading to a cure of sleep apnoea. This is provided at a very affordable rate to patients who cannot afford an exorbitantly priced C-Pap machine.

A higher degree of sleep apnoea is often treated surgically by readjusting the bony architecture of the jaws allowing enough space of wind passage. They require an in-hospital stay.